
Idle computers not updating

When a computer sits idle for any period  of time - that is... no one signs on or uses it for say a week or two - that computer doesn't get updated. We have to send reminders to please be sure to sign on and not leave computers sit idle etc which of course, gets very low response. There must be a way to "force" an update on a computer even when/if it sits idle. Anyone else experience this? Have any suggestions or ideas on how to remedy this problem? I've mentioned this to the fine folks at Quest (Support) and they apparently did not know of this issue which is why I thought I'd post it here. Thanks. 

1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • Hi, When you say "idle", are we talking about a machine who is sitting in the Login Screen all day long?

    Or is that a computer what went to Sleep or Hibernate? - Channeler 6 years ago
    • I Second Channeler's question - you can set up WoL's to poke these machines if they're built to receive them, presuming it's a sleep/hibernate issue. - Honkytonk 6 years ago

Answers (2)

Posted by: AbhayR 6 years ago
Red Belt

As long as the computers are powered on and connected to n/w, they will inventory at regular inventory intervals. User doesn't have to be logged in. If this is the case, there may be some issue going on with some of those machines.

Posted by: SMal.tmcc 6 years ago
Red Belt

force a nighttime reboot or shutdown of all non mission critical systems to help with check-ins on boot and needed reboots being accomplished.  Of our 3000+ machines we only have about a dozen that run night time tasks and we excluded thoses

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