
In KACE1000, how can you tie the submitter to the assets or computer name so it auto-populates?

This is not referring to end-user self entry but rather when the Service Desk staff enters a ticket for an end-user.  When entering the submitters name, the asset or machine name fields on the ticket do not auto-populate

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  • We actually need the same. However, I do not see a resolution. Any help would be appreciated. - kimimtt 9 years ago
    • To clarify. We are tracking our mobile devices in Assets; Name, Device Model, Carrier, etc. A form has been setup in Service Desk for these devices, separate queue from IT Service Desk. When a Help Desk Tech. creates a new service ticket for a mobile device, and the Name has been selected (Custom_1 select query from ASSET.NAME...) we would like the remaining fields to populate from ASSET_DATA_12 to the HD ticket. - kimimtt 9 years ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: nshah 12 years ago
Red Belt

That is designed by default as the ticket is mauanlly opened. The KBOX doesn't have any information to make any relationships with. You could likely do it with a ticket rule that can either look up information in a table in assets that has the computer name and the owner. I wouldn't try to use the last logged in user as the owner as that might change if someone else logs in before a checkin. 


Here is an example that might get you started.




  • Actually, I am referring to when a Help Desk agent manually enters the submitter's name. At that point, with the submitter's name being manually entered by an agent, we would like the machine and asset field to autopopulate. If only one could be done that would be fine as long as it autopoulates it. - This is NOT when a submitter creates a ticket as this is already occurring. This is when an agent manually enters a ticket. Any help appreciated - mklotz 12 years ago
  • Actually, we do have it working for when an end-user enters their own ticket from their system. We are wanting it to autopopulate the asset and/or machine field when Help Desk Agents manually enter the submitter's name in the ticket. Right now we are asking the end-user to give us the name of thier computer then using the filter to find the name. We want it to find it based on the Subbmitter's name we enter. Any help is appreciated. Thank You. - mklotz 12 years ago

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