Internet Explorer Single Sign-on needs a refresh before logging in
My K1000 is setup for Single Sign On. Inside my LAN it works fine as long as I have the IE clients properly setting to "Enable Integrated Windows Authentication". All users just get right in to the first page without logging in.
My K1000 is also exposed to the Internet so machines can check in from home and also log helpdesk tickets. The internal and external FQDN are both * is in IE as a Local Intranet site and security is set to Low.
Whenever I try to access the Kbox from outside the LAN Internet Explorer always comes up the error "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" however I can just refresh the page and then it brings me to the logon screen. I am using my domain laptop and logged in with my domain account and since this is in my Local Intranet sites I would expect my cached credentials would sign me right in, but they do not.
As an Admin it is not a big deal to refresh the page, however I want to be able to have user access the portal and KB from home. I am afraid that if users see an error they will not continue.
Answers (1)
What is the exact url they are using to access it from home? Also - You have your intranet settings to low, but what about INTERNET settings? It may be necessary to have those set to low as well. SSO may not work from home as they are not directly connected to the domain controller thus throwing the error.
Short of that, submit a ticket to KACE support. - jknox 11 years ago