
Inventory search for all install printers?

We need to do a search for a specific location/school, and get a list of all printers installed there. Is there a way to do this? I can't do it via reports->assets, since none of the printers are put in as assets. ANy other way to do this? I can go to individual machines on my K1000 box, and show the list of installed printers on them, but no way to do it to a whole location at once (on a specific subnet). 



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Answers (2)

Answer Summary:
sfigg: I actually figured out how to do it through the Classic Reports menu
Posted by: jverbosk 12 years ago
Red Belt

It sounds like you need a custom report.  If you have labels setup for the locations, these can be specified in the report's SQL statement.

If you are dealing with network printers (i.e. not installed locally on the client machines), these don't appear in the inventory.  If that's the case, here's a usable workaround for you, although the formatting got garbled during the migration from AppDeploy.  If it might be useful, just let me know and I'll repost it as a blog.


Once you determine what data you need, it's just a (not-so-minor) matter of building a report to pull it all together, but we can help.


Posted by: sfigg 12 years ago
Red Belt

Thanks for your help. I actually figured out how to do it through the Classic Reports menu. Took a little time to configure expanded logic on it, but it works :)



  • sfigg can you post how you accomplished this through the Classic Reports? - prestonpeine 12 years ago
  • agreed - it'd help other people searching for the information in the future. - lcadhelpdesk 12 years ago

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