K1000: Is there a way to report on the NIC device driver version?
I am trying to supply my network team with some more information. They are looking to find out what is the device driver version for multiple Windows 7x64 machines to see if the drivers are up to date. Is there a way to use KACE to query the workstations for this information?
Answers (2)
If it is software installed or the version is in a registry key, you can use a custom inventory rule to report on it.
Also if you are a Dell shop you can use the Dell Updates to detect what versions you are running and build a custom report off that. - nshah 11 years ago
How is this done? We are a Dell Shop and I have tried creating a custom report but can not find a field for NIC drivers. Do I need to create a custom field. If so how would you create a custom field for NIC drivers? - brollings7113 5 years ago
I modified a script for setting NIC power management options. This will output a text file that you can use in a custom inventory rule.
You can also use the driverquery command to get the installed drivers list.
Then to update the drivers you can use the free devcon program.
These methods will probably only work if you install drivers by the .inf and not using installers that also put LAN/WLAN utilities.
Here is the powershell script.
# http://blog.compower.org/2012/09/18/windows-7-unattended-disabling-the-allow-the-computer-to-turn-off-this-device-to-save-power/
# modified to only report the driver name and driver version.
$LogFile = "C:\Windows\Temp\NIC-Driver-Versions.log"
If (Test-Path ($LogFile)) {Remove-Item $LogFile -ErrorAction Stop}
$NICS = Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\*" -Name "Characteristics" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ?{ $_.Characteristics -match "132" }
ForEach ($NIC in $NICS)
$RegKey = $NIC.PSPath
Add-Content -path $LogFile -value "Regkey for the NIC is: $RegKey"
$Adaptername = $(Get-ItemProperty -Path $NIC.PSPath -Name "DriverDesc").DriverDesc
Add-Content -path $LogFile -value "The name for the NIC is: $Adaptername"
$DriverVersion = $(Get-ItemProperty -Path $NIC.PSPath -Name "DriverVersion" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).DriverVersion
Add-Content -path $LogFile -value "The value of the DriverVersion key is: $DriverVersion"