Just up graded Kace2000, now when my comptuer pxe boot i am getting error messages.
Which version of KBox did you upgrade from and to? - AAnschutz 5 years ago
Answers (1)
Always read the release notes before applying a new update, to find out about new features and deprecated modules:
"IMPORTANT: Support for PXELinux (k2000.0 PXELinux boot file) has been removed from the product."
"PGM multicast protocol and k2000.0 PXELinux bootfile have been removed in version 6.0. Changes to your DHCP server maybe necessary, please refer to the Support Portal knowledge base article 217556 for additional information."
So you need to go here, and re configure your DHCP to stop using PXELinux, and start using iPXE: