
K1000 (Mac OS X): How to copy a folder via a KACE Online Shell Script

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Using an Online Shell Script on the K1000, I am trying to copy a folder and all of it's contents (subfolders, files) to a Mac running OS X Lion. If I upload an individual file (as a dependecy), it copies it without a problem. When I zip the folder I want to copy and add it as a dependecy, the copy doesn't work - nothing shows up on the Mac. I tested just copying the zip itself and that also works fine. There are far too many files and folders to try to upload them individually as depencies or I would go that route. 

It seems as the though the zip is not autoextracting like it does for a Windows KACE script. I know zips auto-extract for us just fine for Sofware Distribution on Macs. Am I missing something?


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Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: AbhayR 12 years ago
Red Belt


Online Shell Script doesn't autoextract a zip file uploaded as dependency. This is a known issue.

To workaround this problem, I would suggest to unzip the dependency file within shell script like




/usr/bin/unzip /Library/Application\ Support/Dell/KACE/data/scripts/<script_id>/filename.zip -d /Library/Application\ Support/Dell/KACE/data/scripts/<script_id>/



Script ID can be found in the hyperlink of the script name in the Script listing page.




  • Thanks...it occurred to me that I should do exactly that shortly after I posted my question. Just as a note to others, I just used the following line in my script:

    unzip filename.zip -d /<destination folder>

    ...with filename.zip added as a dependency, that worked perfectly. - etipton 12 years ago

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