
K1000 Report of Software installed by date

I am looking to create a report for all of my monitored PCs that will show me all new software installed on endpoints each day. I don't believe our K1000 environment has this report currently. Has anyone developed one already?

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Answers (2)

Posted by: dugullett 11 years ago
Red Belt

In 5.4 only. This will not show the exact time the software was installed, but it will show when a change occured based on the last inventory. Change the "1 DAY" to match what you need.

SELECT NAME, TIME, VALUE1 as Software, VALUE2 as Version



  • this assumes you're running this close to midnight as it really means "software installed in the last 1440 minutes"

    I find what most people intend is :"everything from the entire calendar day yesterday and today so far":
    and TIME > date_sub( curdate(), interval 1 day)

    e.g. if you run this at midnight you get the same answer as what is above, but if you run it midday you don't lose yesterday morning's entries.

    if you're running it daily it shouldn't matter too much, but the above is important when the big boss comes knocking and you run it adhoc and the wonder why it's missing what is showed earlier.

    p.s. i wish i could format comments - GillySpy 11 years ago
    • I agree Gilly.... I created this one a while back.

      http://kace.uservoice.com/forums/139919-itninja/suggestions/2936287-add-the-ability-to-format-selected-text-as-code-in - dugullett 11 years ago
Posted by: SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
Red Belt

The only way I know of to get the install date would be to use wmic to query the machines as a custom software inventory item and then run a report on that software.

I created one for the year 2013, since it brings it in as one string with this simple query you would need an item for everyday to use it as is.  You would have to manipulate the output or create an item that returns the query as mutliple strings using the /output and /format:sortby options then run a report to create a more generic software item

You may be better off running something like a pstools batch job to query the machines with wmic and report back to you each day.

  • I would go with dugullett or
    put in a enhancement request to add this feature
    http://kace.uservoice.com/forums/82699-k1000 - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
  • I know this is an old post, but I am not good at coding this. What would the code look like if you wanted to exclude the "Security Update for Microsoft...." and the "Update for Microsoft..." items and add the Machine.USER_DESCRIPTION column to the report? - pspaans 5 years ago

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