
K2000 Deploy with multiple Volume

Boot laptop into k2000, and in CMD did list volume xEjuZr.jpeg

select volume 2
assign letter=s
select volume 1
assign letter=p
select volume 3
assign letter=o
select volume 4
assign letter=i

then went imaging selected all the letters and capture the image.

After capture, went to k2000 and in system images add pre-installation task "Create UEFI Partitions" and mid-level tasks "Apply UEFI Partitions" mUiFdw.jpeg

Create UEFI Partition has this script is:

Select disk  0
Convert gpt
Create partition efi size=200
Assign letter=s
Format quick fs=FAT32
Create partition msr size=128
Create partition primary
Assign letter=c
Format quick fs=NTFS

and Apply UEFI Partitions has this:

bcdedit /set {bootmgr} device partition=s:
bcdedit /set {memdiag} device partition=s:
bcdedit /set {default} device partition=c:
bcdedit /set {default} osdevice partition=c:
Bcdedit /set {FWbootmgr} displayorder {Bootmgr} /addfirst

Now I connected another laptop, the same model, boot into k2000, Imaging , Deploy Image, Selected the image I captured.

And after Deploy, I noticed that there is only 2 partition listed SHzCwY.jpeg

I would like to get the same as original image, with 4 volumes, and I think it is because the Create and Apply UEFI script is not correct.

What should I use for it to make this volume deployed correct?

Thank you for the Help.

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Answers (2)

Posted by: TheAustinDave 8 years ago
Fourth Degree Brown Belt
The missing partitions are due to the Create UEFI partition task does not have the others included when its created - a deployment to this disk with missing partitions may fail as well since there are more partitions captured than being deployed. (The partition task will need to match the partitions size/label of the captured image)

I would duplicate the Create UEFI partitions task and then add additional commands to create those partitions needed.

As an example you could add the following to create additional partitions, the last creation of partition leave off the size and it will take what ever is left on the disk for the size of the partition.
create partition primary size=360
assign letter="p"

The more important question would be why do you want to capture the additional partitions as this appears to be an OEM image which would violate Microsoft license.https://support.software.dell.com/k2000-systems-deployment-appliance/kb/135252

The better method would be to create your image in a virtual system from the Media offered through the volume license site. Here is the best practices article, https://support.software.dell.com/k2000-systems-deployment-appliance/kb/121734

  • Yes, I know about Violation Microsoft, for that I'm using Volume License key.

    I did download Windows from Microsoft volume license website, after install still getting 3 partitions, Volume 0 "C" is 237GB, Volume 1 "recovery" 450mb and Volume 2 "fat32" 100mb system partition.

    For now i just wanted to capture and deploy image without sys prep ( sys prep will do later on).

    I did duplicate Create UEFI partition task, and just added: create partition primary size=450
    assign letter="p"

    But I have 2 questions:
    1. Should I add something in Apply UEFI for that ?
    I mean for letter "p" ?

    2. Should I change in Create UEFI "Create partition efi size=200" to "Create partition efi size=100" ? - alex.t 8 years ago
Posted by: alex.t 8 years ago
White Belt
Figured out, by following this.

Just added entry in CREATE UEFI partition task.


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