
KACE: Is it possible to uninstall software that does NOT appear in drop down menu for managed installation? But DOES appear in software inventory

I wanted to remotely uninstall a program that appears to have come pre-loaded onto our Dell computers. It is not in the drop down menu for managed installations here on KACE,  but it does show up in a search as users having the program installed on the software inventory list. Also, the software has 4 different versions, if this is at all possible, do I need to create a managed uninstall for each one?

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Answers (1)

Posted by: SMal.tmcc 8 years ago
Red Belt
if you look at the software items see if they have anything listed under the uninstall area.  Also if they all have similar names you can use wmic to remove them.

run as script using a call like (the %% act as a wild card)

wmic product where "name like 'sofware to uninstall'" call uninstall
wmic product where "name like '%%sofware to uninstall%%'" call uninstall
wmic product where "name like 'Sofware to uninstall%%'" call uninstall
wmic product where "name like '%%sofware to uninstall'" call uninstall

depending if you need the wild card and where

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