
Lack of Reporting Functionality

Anyone else frustrated with the lack of functionality in KACE reporting?  Having spent $10k on this system, I would expect it to be a little more polished.

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  • One report I want is one that shows all software assets, and then show a count of how many licenses we have an are in use. The wizard does not do this. The existing reports also don't show this. - mjenner 11 years ago
  • In all honesty, no wizard will help you with that as:

    1. A wizard doesn't know what you own as far as licenses
    2. The KBOX doesn't pull licensing key's or information by default (Though it can be done via scripting using custom inventory rules)
    3. The KBOX software inventory will tell you want is out there by their title which will tell you your installation base. From there you can create a license and set up metering against the process and see how many are being used. That is found under the Asset management module.

    Once you have told the KBOX the information then you can create a report. There are two reports already in the KBOX for license compliance that might be a good start and then those can be adjusted as others have indicated by writing SQL.

    You might want to check these out


    The April 3, 2012 is about using the licensing in the K1 effectively. I just did a find for the word license on that link. - nshah 11 years ago
  • I have set up licensing and everything in the KBOX, so my problem is not with that. My problem is with generating reports using the wizard. I agree that I can look at the already existing reports and modify the sql in those, but that would be hard to do without hiring a SQL programmer. - mjenner 11 years ago
  • More issues: With the wizard, filtering happens after the query. So I have to display all the fields that I want to filter on, even though I may not need the info in those fields. - mjenner 11 years ago

Answers (2)

Posted by: dugullett 11 years ago
Red Belt

What kind of report are you looking for? I rarely use the reporting wizard, but I've heard it's a lot better. I mainly use the mysql workbench.

Posted by: nheyne 11 years ago
Red Belt

I think the reporting is very powerful, and if you know SQL you can pretty much make it do whatever you want.  What is it that you're having trouble accomplishing?

  • SQL is very tough when you don't know much, so I'm limited to the wizard. Since I am limited to that, schedule is also a nightmare. You can't get a nice looking PDF report sent to your email. It has to be in HTML (which sends you 4 files) or not so pretty CSV/TXT file. - mjenner 11 years ago
    • I don't know any SQL so I'm in the same boat. I haven't needed to make a PDF of a report but I have to admit that would be a very handy feature. - nheyne 11 years ago
      • It used to be available. Some of the older Kboxs still have it (mine still does). Maybe a Dell person would be better able to say why it was removed? - dugullett 11 years ago
  • PDF started to no longer be an option when classic reporting was changed to the new reporting engine around the release of 5.3. 5.4 removed the classic reporting engine altogether.

    It's been added as a feature request: http://kace.uservoice.com/forums/82699-k1000/suggestions/3652355-please-add-pdf-as-a-format-we-can-have-reports-i - jknox 11 years ago

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