Locked out of KACE, need help!
Long story short, our long-time admin left the company a while ago, and I thought I got all user/pass info from him, but I missed the user/pass for console access to KACE. Our KACE SSL cert expired, so while I was logged in via the web console changing settings I must have accidentally disabled SSL. Now I can no longer access KACE via the web, however I can puTTY to it, but I don't know the admin user/pass. I am able to log in via netdiag/netdiag, but is there a command to re-enable SSL from that log in?
Any help here would be appreciated!
Answers (1)
If SSL is disabled you should be able to access the UI using HTTP just use IP or hostname / adminui without https:// as part of the URL.
Do you have a user that has the Administrator Role? if so, you can use that account to get login as a admin.
If you still have issues, you will want to open a support ticket.
Why didn't I think of IP?! Thank you! That got me back into the web console and got SSL re-enabled! Thank you!!! - ebrammer252 4 years ago
Glad to help. - KevinG 4 years ago