Running a .reg file in kace
Hey guys.
I was wondering if there was a way to run a reg file in the k1 as a script.
This reg file has a large number of entries into the registry..(like 18 entries into hive).
Adding it to the "dependencies" and running a bat script "regedit.exe" doesn't seem to work.
Zipping it up with a bat file and calling the bat file doesn't seem to work either
I know scripts have an option for adding registry keys, but does this mean I have
to add each key individual entry separately? couldn't I just run the whole reg file ?
Answers (1)
It is obvious that it does not work with "regedit", since this is an interactive program.
For manipulating the registry from a command line/script you use reg.exe.
reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\AdvertisingInfo" /v DisabledByGroupPolicy /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
would be an example.
this would also use .reg files.
But ...
... the smartest way to do it is:
Go to Scripting | Configuration Policies | Registries (under the Windows Column) and simply add the contents of the file here.
Thanks Nico.
Forgot about the Config Policies. - akmagnum 6 years ago