K1000: Send broadcast alert to all machine that hasn't logoff for more than 2 days
Hi, I was wondering if it's possible to have KACE automatically send a pop alert to all machine that hasn't been logoff for more than 2 business day (excluding weekend). I have users with roaming profile in our building that has never logoff their machine, and I hope to send them a little reminder automatically.
Answers (2)
I'm not sure you can do it based on logging in and out, but reboot or shutdown events might work. You would have to create a machine smart label to identify machines that had not rebooted or shut down, or that had a sytem uptime of more than 48 hours. Then create an alert with the desired text and limit deployment to that machine smart label. The alert can be run on a schedule from there. If you wanted to try and exclude weekend days, you'd have to edit the SQL of the smart label, but I don't know SQL well enough to say if, or how, you could do that.
I'd use the following link to pull that log off info then create a smart label based on your criteria. From there create an Alert (reporting module) that targets said smart label and nags the user daily until they comply.