
Service Desk Appliance - A more granular Advanced Search for tickets

How can I do a more specific advanced search, for instances the number of tickets created between 9pm and 8am on weekdays and weekends?

I am using the KACE Service Desk appliance.

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Answers (3)

Posted by: chucksteel 5 years ago
Red Belt

It would be best to do that type of search with a report. The reporting wizard probably wouldn't be able to handle that, so you would need a custom report. Do you have experience with writing SQL queries?

Posted by: Fola 5 years ago
White Belt

Hello Chucksteel and thank you for getting back to me. Unfortunately, I am new to this and have no SQL experience. 

We used to use Numara and you could do these sort of searches, down to the minute. But KACE seems a bit limited in this respect

Posted by: chucksteel 5 years ago
Red Belt

This query will give you the number of tickets opened per day of week in that time range in the past seven days:

WHERE (TIME(CREATED) > "21:00:00" or TIME(CREATED) < "08:00:00")

I'm not quite sure if that is what you are looking to report or not. To use this as a report, Open the reporting module, select Choose Action, New (SQL) and paste the code.

We used Numara Track-IT for about four years, I think, maybe longer. My recollection is that they had a lot of canned reports, but anything else needed to be created using Crystal Reports. If you are comfortable working in a tool like that, then you can connect them to the SMA database using the reporting user. See Settings, Security Settings, Enable Database Access. This ability includes using tools like PowerBI if you have them available. Otherwise, having someone on your team that is capable of writing SQL queries is your best bet. Folks here are also willing to help, as long as you can provide specific criteria for your reports. I have created a repository on GitHub for the reports I have created that others have found helpful: https://github.com/csteelatgburg/K1000-Database-Queries

Good luck, and welcome to the community.

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