
SMA Software upgrade workflow

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So looks like while we are moving away from kace service desk we are going to keep managing our onprem servers and dell patching Windows devices..  

that being said, I cant seem to figure out how kace wants to handle software upgrades.  So if I have an app I have deployed via managed installation, how do I increment the version?  Do I have to create a new managed intallation and there is no connection between the two?  If this is the case, the managed installations is going to be one ugly mess.

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Answers (1)

Posted by: Hobbsy 1 year ago
Red Belt

You are correct, a managed installation only deploys the software item attached to the MI. So if that was version 6 and you want version 7 then you will have to create a fresh managed installation for version 7. You will also need to consider, through testing, if deploying v7 overwrites version 6 or if you need to remove version 6 before version 7 is installed. Once you know the behaviour of the upgrade you can plan the resources you will need in KACE

  • Thank you. I was hoping I was wrong. Would prefer if they were bundled together into one item so you could see the iterations. - barchetta 1 year ago

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