Task Engine stuck on Set Engine Run Key
When looking at the Progress tab of a deployment, a system shows the status of Set Engine Run Key as running continuously
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5 years ago
What is the status or error message on the actual targeted device? Is the deployment done or is it giving you an error? or is not doing any Post Install tasks?
Some answers might be found here:
When I check on the progress through my KACE appliance, the set engine key just keeps saying "In progress" when I switch over to the client, all I get a black screen with a cursor flashing at the top left.
I have been looking at that link you posted before, and am trying to work through the resolution scenarios. so far nothing yet - TCSOTech 5 years ago-
In Set Engine Run Key the appliance is waiting for Windows to reach the Desktop and start performing post install tasks or cleanup tasks.
If you get a black screen Windows is not loading or the wrong boot mode is selected (Legacy vs. UEFI).
What partitions where captured?
Are you booting in Legacy or UEFI Mode?
Picture 2:
What are the Pre and Mid level tasks being used?
If you have machine with an Intel KabyLake or newer type of CPU, be aware of:
https://www.dell.com/support/article/us/en/19/sln301692/no-boot-device-found-when-you-change-the-boot-sequence-to-legacy-mode?lang=en - Channeler 5 years ago-
I am booting into Legacy, all the PCs for this model are set to that.
Pre-Installation Tasks set up are:
Get Computer Name x64 prompt
Creat Dual Partions
Formate C and D as NTFS
Install Vista/2008/7/8/10/2012/2016 MBR
Mid level tasks are:
Set Computer Name x64
Set Autologin Count 1
CPU is Intel Core i7-6700 - TCSOTech 5 years ago -
probably the source Image is K.O.
You could try to follow this to pull Windows logs in regards why is not reaching the Desktop:
https://support.quest.com/kace-systems-deployment-appliance/kb/121716/how-to-gather-logs-from-kbe-to-troubleshoot-a-windows-deployment - Channeler 5 years ago