
Ticket Dropdown Customization

Is there a way within KACE service desk to implement a single dropdown option with specifics (ie. email issue, or internet not working, etc.) for customer tickets instead of the default general categories?

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Answers (2)

Posted by: chucksteel 12 years ago
Red Belt

You can customize the ticket categories in the Customize Fields and Layout page when configuring a service desk queue.

Posted by: dwilliams1307 12 years ago
Purple Belt

You can also import an entire spreadsheet into Kace, so if you have multiple drop down fields that you would like to use.  An example, in our organization to keep the tickets routing to the correct people, we have:

Which is based off of a spreadsheet that ultimately looked like this:


The link for importing from a spreadsheet is here:


If you have a lot of customization or different buildings that have different issues or potential issues (ie. I work for a school district that has 7 buildings with 7 different sets of software) I would recommend the spreadsheet method.  Cut, Copy and Paste are your friends!



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