
Version: 9.0.270 - Since upgrading software licenses not visible to technicians

I have reported this to Kace that since upgrading the technicians can't see software licenses using any browser if they have read only access.  I don't want everyone having write access to this because we have some technicians who are not in the IT Dept that view this information.

Does anyone know if this is going to be fixed or if they plan on leaving it this way?

I can't imaging everyone would want write access to software licenses for all of their users or technicians.


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Answers (1)

Posted by: SMal.tmcc 5 years ago
Red Belt

Could be a bug.  Make sure blow your cookies if those browsers were used to access kace prior to upgrade.  I would also create a new role and assign the proper rights to it and assign a tech to that new role and then have them see if the problem still exists

  • Tried the above and still doesn't work so hopefully Tech Support reported as a bug like they commented in the ticket and this gets fixed - scarpent 5 years ago

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