
Can you spawn several work flow processes together off of one ticket?

We have 3 different work flows that depending on the questions answered a ticket gets flipped to.  Is there a way to somehow spawn 3 processes off of one ticket?

Work Flow: New Staff Hire - if they want a computer or a new phone we generate
Work Flow:  Computer Purchase ticket 
Work Flow: New Phone Purchase

New Staff Hires don't always need a new computer or phone so this wouldn't be applicable all the time 

1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • I have the same question. I want to assign child tickets to different queues. When all child tickets are complete, close the parent ticket. Allow end user to select if a child ticket isn't needed in a particular instance. - Sharecareuser 6 years ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: Hobbsy 6 years ago
Red Belt
So I have been doing a fair bit of work for customers over the last few weeks, working with the limitations of processes within the service desk. To answer this question directly first, you can start a process using a ticket rule, but it will not all fall into place straight away, as you are unable to create a fresh ticket from a ticket rule.

It also appears that you want to have a nested set of process i.e. a process creates 3 child tickets and each child ticket then heads up a process. The answer to this is no as once a ticket is marked as a child the option to 'convert to a process' is removed. from any menu, basically as a child cannot also be a parent.

If you need to convert a ticket to a process you need to change the following fields within the HD_TICKET Table.

HD_TICKET.SERVICE_TICKET_ID - set this field to the ID value for the process you want
HD_TICKET.IS_PARENT - set this field to 1 to set it as a parent.

This will then create the parent and child structure, however you will need to open and save the parent before the child tickets are actually created.

Finally one way of having predefined tickets for preset situations is to create every child ticket for every need then delete the unneeded tickets. If you do this before the process is closed, however, the process engine will just recreate a new ticket to replace the deleted ticket, so if you want to remove tickets to give more clarity for reporting you are best to resolve and then delete the tickets.

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