How to auto launch an app after kace installs it
We created an install package for an app, the package works for the install part, but we need for the app to auto launch after the install finishes. What do we need to do for this to happen?
Some what new the the Kace tool, so any help would be appreciated...
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There is a Launch a Program task you can run. Or have a batch script that will call the exe - khoelle 6 years ago
Where do I find Launch A Program task? - Jdellavalle 6 years ago
Any app you launch with Kace will run with full system privileges, higher than admin. Google for Runascurrentuser"; an IBM utility that runs an exemplary as the currently logged in user, and make sure you deploy when a user is logged on. - EdT 6 years ago
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6 years ago
You have two options.
1. you use the Scripting for the installation. There are multiple options settings prerequisites (killing processes or similar) and also after the installation running the tool
2. you create a batch file and zips it together with the install package for a managed install. If the MI is replicated to the client it is unzipped automaticly. Instead of starting the install (with msiexec or similar) you run the batch file and have the install and its parameters in it and at the end of the batch file you run the tool.
1. you use the Scripting for the installation. There are multiple options settings prerequisites (killing processes or similar) and also after the installation running the tool
2. you create a batch file and zips it together with the install package for a managed install. If the MI is replicated to the client it is unzipped automaticly. Instead of starting the install (with msiexec or similar) you run the batch file and have the install and its parameters in it and at the end of the batch file you run the tool.
Nico- is there anything in the Kace tool that will auto launch the app? I remember there being a check box from past Kace versions that had the option to auto launch, but I don't see it in the new version?
Or, would I set this in the "Full Command Line", this is the option I have it set to now" msiexec.exe /I outlookconfig.msi /qn /norestart" - Jdellavalle 6 years ago