
Importing user profiles in k2000 as post install task

Hey Guys.

Need help with exporting and importing user profiles in win 10.

I have a win 10 image that's ready to go. I have made some changes

in the settings, desktop and start-up menu.

I would like to export these changes in the user profile..... then import it into

subsequent images as the "DEFAULT PROFILE" for all users logging in to our systems.

I am really having a hard time figuring how to do this with the k2000.

Do I export the profile with the windows backup option in win 10?

If so, then how do I re-Import it back as a post install task into the k2.

I tried to physically copy the user profile folder to an external drive,

but it keeps throwing popping up an error that some files cannot be

copied as they are used by the system. (I don't think windows allows this).

Any help would be appreciated.

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Answers (2)

Posted by: chucksteel 6 years ago
Red Belt
The official answer from Microsoft is to use sysprep to copy a profile to the default profile. The unofficial answer is to use a set of scripts to modify c:\users\default\ntuser.dat for registry settings and to place files in the appropriate location in c:\users\default\.

The Start Menu layout can be exported via PowerShell and then managed in a few different ways. Here's a good place to start reading: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/configuration/windows-10-start-layout-options-and-policies
You can also use the exported file as the default user layout by placing the file here:

The method that I use to modify registry settings in c:\users\default\ntuser.dat looks like this:
1. Find registry keys related to the setting
2. Export keys to a .reg file
3. Edit file and replace HKEY_CURRENT_USER with HKEY_USERS\Def
4. Name the file something like defaultsettings.reg (I normally use a filename related to what I am setting, e.g. OfficeSettings.reg, VLC.reg, etc.)
5. Create a batch file called something like loadkeys.cmd with the following commands:
reg load HKU\Def c:\users\default\ntuser.dat
reg import "DefaultSettings.reg"
reg unload HKU\Def
6. Place your batch file and registry file in a zip file
Note: When creating zip files for the K2000, the best method is to select the files, right click, Send to, Compressed (zipped) folder.
7. Upload the zip file to the K2000 as an application post-install task
8. Enter the name of the batch file as the Full Command line.

I preface all of my post-install tasks that modify the default user profile with DUP- to help keep track of them.

  • Thanks Chuck. Will try. - akmagnum 6 years ago
Posted by: Nico_K 6 years ago
Red Belt
Regarding your error message:
If you try to copy the c:\users\ - folder from the user you are logged in, this is normal.
But you can ignore it, since the files which are used, are simply the session files, you really don't need.

With the SDA you can use the USMT for that (it is the Microsoft way)
1. install the Windows ADK/AIK to your management system (you need the Windows Easy Transfer for this task!)
2. install the SDA Media Manager to your management system
3. use the SDA Media Manager to upload the USMT to the SDA
These three steps are only needed once. At best you do it at the same time you are preparing your KBE

Template Creation:
1. into your SDA go to Library | USMT Scan templates
2. create the template you need and want

Now you can use online or offline scans (with 5.1 you can use also an RSA to collect and deploy the user states!):
Offline scan is the way you want ;)
1. choose the Pre-Install Task: Scan User States Offline (it is a default one)
2. choose the Post-Install Task: Deploy User States (it is also a default one)
3. run your SI/Image and choose the right settings in the Pre-Install Task

Online Scan is roughly similar but you are uploading the user state from a machine which is online right now

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