
Kace2000 OVF Upgrade to 1TB?

We have a 500GB K2000 with 20GB of space left. Haven't been able to find the release notes with the download.
What are the steps to upgrade to the 1TB OVF?
What should be offloaded, backed up etc?
Our K2k is a snapshotted VM.

1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • Please vote on https://kace.uservoice.com/forums/82717-sda-k2000/suggestions/19878100-migrate-one-sda-to-another-sda for an easier transition from one K2000 to another! - cserrins 6 years ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: Nico_K 6 years ago
Red Belt
You export all packages.
You setuo a new appliance with 1TB
You import all packages.

An alternative option would be:
Create a virtual disk in the size you like.
Use this as external storage (Settings | Datastore) 

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