Please fix up the GUI interface
Message to KACE development
It would be really nice if you allowed us (user config community ) the ability to format the ticket gui so that you could do things like
- you could align fields in a table type format
- you could format that fields
- provide a field level help (you do it on some of the system fields where you provide a little blue question mark button)
- Pull formatted knowledge base articles into the ticket summary are retain the formatting.
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Posted by:
6 years ago
Top Answer
You may want to vote and comment here: User voice is the portal managed\monitored by R&D
Thanks Channeler. I will go there - kiwiblue 6 years ago
Posted by:
6 years ago
Channeler should really have resolved this question as he is correct, the only way you will be able to ask for this functionality is via uservoice. We have done lots in the past in adding in custom fields that change text on the ticket with help text etc but its not rocket science, or even that clever if you ask me......but it does help the users ;o)