
Queue in a view

HI folks

there is a short coming in the search view function the options are either all Q's or one Q.

Is there anyway to list the Queue variable in the advanced search option then we could exclude a Q (or 2)

Has anyone done this.

Regards TOny

1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • Further to this. When you list all Q's the view only has a set list of fields available. The reason for the above question is that is seems that the only way I can get a field to show up in the list is to add it to all Q's even though for some of the Q's it is erroneous data. - kiwiblue 6 years ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: Hobbsy 6 years ago
Red Belt
In the view ticket option you are correct there is only all queues or a specific queue, and if you have custom fields in one queue, it will not show in the all queue view, as clearly it is not present in all queues. As we are unable to get to the underlying SQL for the view, we are unable to edit to show what we need.

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