
UPLOAD a document to an inventory item?

We have a system checklist we complete prior to deploying a computer and would like to attach the device in KACE.  Is this possible?

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Answers (2)

Posted by: chucksteel 6 years ago
Red Belt
Creating a script to upload a file is one option. Another option is to use a custom inventory rule to upload the contents of the file. Here are some of the pros and cons for each.

Custom Inventory Rule
Pro - Easily search the inventory for computers that have the file
Pro - Report on the contents of the file 
Con - CIRs run every check-in, so that means the contents of the file will be uploaded every inventory (this is only a con if you don't expect the file to ever change and you are concerned with the impact of uploading a few kilobytes of data in addition to all of the other inventory data, so it's a minor thing).

Pro - Very easy to setup
Pro - If you configure a smart label that applies to machines that don't have the file, you can have the script target just those machines.
Con - You will need to use a SQL custom inventory rule to find the machines that don't have the file
Con - No easy reporting on machines that have or don't have the file
Con - No reporting on the contents of the file, you can only view the file through the GUI

Posted by: Nico_K 6 years ago
Red Belt
This is a really easy task.
Go to scripting.
One of the tasks need to be "Upload a file"
This will upload a file into the KACE.
You can find it under Inventory|Device|_YOUR_DEVICE_|Uploaded Files.

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